Sunday, August 16, 2009

Creative living

Since the last posting, I have gone on several amazing beach walks/hikes.
I've chanted and performed a full-moon ritual. Seen 4 dolphin swim 50 m off of the beach (which is a rare sight). Fished off the rocky point of Opoture Beach. Ate "Pipis" muscles and "Tua tuas" clams. Attending a Native American sweatlodge on a parcel of land that extends into the estuary where the Katakati river flows. I've worked with the local milk-delivery man traveling 180km to deliver milk at 4 a.m.

As for the normal every day : I wake-up exercise, practice a bit of yoga, cook breakfast for the community/clean-up, start work (which varies from painting caravans to cleaning toilets or scrubbing the floors of the outside shower). Work goes from 10-4:30 p.m. Today I did yoga and then ran the chainsaw for 2.5 hrs. I continue to live at the ashram, "riding the waves" so-to-speak of the challenges of living in this community: incl. living with an alocholic who keeps to himself, a new baby, a wise woman, a young Irish yogini, a Muslim Malaysian, and a Swami who comes and goes.

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